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Consultation on Admission Policies for 2026/27

Dear parents, carers, local residents and colleagues,

Frays Academy Trust is consulting on amendments to the admission policies for All Saints Church of England Primary School and Beechwood Primary School. The amendments are follows

For All Saints Church of England Primary School:

  • To reduce the Published Admission Number (PAN) for admission to reception from 45 to 30.
  • To amend the oversubscription criteria to mirror other schools in the Trust, making children of staff the second over-subscription criterion rather than the sixth. Please see the attached Appendix for further details.

For Beechwood Primary School:

  • To reduce the Published Admission Number (PAN) for admission to reception from 60 to 30.  The policy is otherwise unamended.

The reduction in PAN is with the support of Wokingham Borough Council, who have identified a need to reduce pupil places across the borough and other schools in the locality are taking similar measures.

The consultation period regarding the proposed amendments lasts for 6 weeks, ending on Friday 24 January 2025.  All comments on the proposed amendment should be submitted by the closing date. Please email comments to, or write to Mrs H Smith, Operations Manager, Frays Academy Trust. You can also submit comments via either school.

If any comments regarding the proposed amendments are received, the relevant Local Governing Body will consider them prior to determining the Admission Arrangements by 28 February 2025. The policies will be published by 15 March 2025 on the school websites.

Yours faithfully

Chris Cole


Frays Academy Trust


Appendix Over-subscription criteria & All Saints CE Primary School


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Frays Academy Trust

LDBS Frays Academy Trust is a charitable company limited by
guarantee and registered in England and Wales with company
number 0833507

Registered Office:
c/o Cowley St Laurence CE Primary School
Worcester Road, Cowley, Middlesex, UB8 3TH